Now this is some crazy bowl of cornflakes, lemme tell you. Feast your eyes on the trailer for Shinji Higuchi's live action Attack on Titan, straight from the closing night of Montreal's Fantasia Fest. It's like some frakked-up jambalaya of Snowpiercer and War of the Gargantuas. Ginormous naked people who want to devour you. Future psychiatrists, your jobs are secure.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Bats versus Supes: A Comic Book History
Intrigued by that latest Batman v Superman trailer? But maybe you're confused. You're not much of a comic book guy, and isn't Superman... "nigh invulnerable?" And Batman, well - he's just rich, right? Well, haggard civilian, you need to watch Rob Jefferson's History of Batman vs Superman, from his YouTube channel Comics Explained, where he provides a terrific 11-minute chronicle of the evolution of conflict between The Dark Knight and the Big Blue Boy Scout. It's great stuff!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Comic-Con: The Expanse
While trailers for Batman v. Superman and other tentpoles grabbed most of the Comic-Con limelight, Syfy's ambitious new series The Expanse also had a considerable presence at the Con, along with this new trailer, which reveals that the show will premiere in December. The books The Expanse is adapted from are some pretty remarkable science fiction and the talent both behind and in front of the cameras is first-rate. The Expanse promises to be a return to the kind of solid science fiction SyFy gave us with Battlestar Galactica. Can't wait! Have a look:
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Comic-Con: new Batman v Superman trailer!
One more big reveal, with the sturm und drang of Batman v Superman. Director Zack Snyder sees Metropolis as San Francisco, with Gotham City as Oakland, the more weary and beleaguered of the two. The urban destruction in Man of Steel being Gotham's 9/11 - its citizens holding Superman responsible. Affleck is looking better here and more solid as Bruce Wayne, and Snyder is putting together some iconic looking sequences, to be sure. The capes get tangled up next March.
Comic-Con: "Let the Boomstick do the talkin'..."
The other great Friday treat was the reveal of the new trailer for Starz' Ash vs. Evil Dead series, starring the legendary Bruce Campbell. Evil Dead premieres on Halloween, and it looks every bit as awesome as we'd hoped:
Comic-Con Friday: Star Wars Reel Evokes Real Magic
Friday was the big Star Wars: The Force Awakens panel at Comic-Con - and while the still-favorited Colin Trevorrow was not announced (yet) as Episode IX director, J.J. Abrams and all of the key players were there, along with a truly entrancing behind the scenes reel that's probably the biggest thing to appear Friday. Do check it out, it's awesome:
Friday, July 10, 2015
Comic-Con: Big Rumor Du Jour - Episode IX
We're hearing that during today's Comic-Con Lucasfilm panel, director Colin Trevorrow (box office juggernaut Jurassic World) will be brought onstage and announced as the director of Star Wars: Episode IX.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Hot Toys Millennium Falcon: You're Going To Need a Bigger Room
That's no moon, it's a toy display environment! One of the most impressive things on display at Comic-Con is the Hot Toys 1/6 scale Millennium Falcon cockpit. Designed to hold four (or more) 12-inch action figures, this baby is a behemoth. Plus, it's loaded with lights and electronic gizmos. I haven't seen a price yet, but given the cost of most Hot Toys figures and the size, this is for collectors with lots of elbow room and plenty of Imperial Credits. She sure is a beauty!
Fox Blu-Ray Swag: Lost in Space and Nakatomi Plaza
Fox hasn't given up on physical media yet - here's a look at this fall's packaging for their complete Lost in Space set on blu-ray. You can pre-order it here:
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Comic-Con 2015: Preview Night
It's ON! Some quick peeks from the newness on display at the NECA booth!
Thought maybe Lambert, but the sidearm has me thinking this is Amanda Ripley from the Alien: Isolation game wave.
The new Queen from the Aliens: Genocide comic.
Large "2-up" double-size prototype of Terminator:2 Ultimate Sarah Connor:
New Pacific Rim:
From Mattel, a whole passel of coolness from Batman v. Superman. Bat's armor looks stupendous and very Frank Miller:
Dark Horse Game of Thrones:
Oberyn Martell
Grey Worm
Margaery Tyrell
Undoubtedly more later - the night is young.
Full Star Wars Slate Leaked Early?!?
Rumor has it this slide was captured during a rundown for Disney's Hall-H Star Wars presentation this Friday. It looks to mirror the structure of their Marvel "Phase" presentations, so I'm inclined to believe it. Dates may be sketchy, but it looks like the two big surprises are that one Anthology film will focus on not just Han Solo, but Boba Fett, too - and that the other Anthology film will feature Obi Wan Kenobi! Origin? In-between? Ewan MacGregor? At this point, it's all up for grabs, but I like this roster!
Welcome to Comic-Con!!!
"That flight sucked! This room smells! There's no restaurant! WHOA, look at THIS!!!"
These will be the sounds of San Diego for the next few days, so welcome to the jungle. We'll be sure to post updates throughout the Con, so keep checking back.
Everyone's still abuzz over yesterday's announcement of the Han Solo origin film, to be directed by Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, of The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street films. Fantastic news that the script is by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan. Disney promises us a May 2018 release, so now everyone is debating who should play young Han Solo.
Expect to hear lots of those conversations at SDCC!
Tonight is Preview Night, so there should be plenty of toy and movie news breaking. Stay tuned and enjoy the Con!
Friday, July 3, 2015
Happy 4th, or should I say...
Yangs, Khoms - whoever you are, may you enjoy a safe and happy Fourth of July, and may real freedom endure for all beings throughout the cosmos.