Will Smith has managed to tick off residents and shopkeepers of New York's Soho neighborhood, where he's currently filming Men in Black III. "But I thought he was such a nice guy!" The thing is, Will has set up a gigantic double-decker trailer, nicknamed "The Heat," to serve as his between-takes refuge from reality. Locals are outraged by the enormous vehicle and have complained to city officials, who say despite its size, the trailer does not violate any regulations. Take a look at this behemoth:
Measuring 1,150 square feet, the custom designed RV is bigger than most cramped New York apartments and rents for $9,000 a week.
Evidently his rented $25,000 a month five-bedroom, 6.5-bathroom apartment is too remote, being less than a mile away, so Will arranged to have all the necessaries right on the curb.
"The Heat" includes a lounge with a bar, a movie room with a 100-inch screen, marble floors throughout, a full-service kitchen, a large bedroom and all-granite bathroom. The trailer, which measures 53 feet long and weighs around 30 tons, also has a meeting space big enough for 30 people and offices for Smith's assistants and writing staff.
Of course Smith has to stay in shape as well, so he has an additional 55-foot trailer featuring a full-size gym.
Word has it the trailer is being moved to nearby private property today. That's very thoughtful.
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