Okay, so a lot of Sunday will be dominated by World Cup finale mayhem, but forget ye not, we'll also be getting a GUILLERMO DEL TORO MOVIE premiering on TV Sunday night, as FX network (you know - The Shield, Sons of Anarchy, Justified, Fargo) unleashes an incarnation of Guillermo's very own The Strain as a new series - a rock 'em-sock 'em apocalyptic vampire saga that should appeal to fans of del Toro and Chuck Hogan's novels, the comic book adaptations and every stray Justin Cronin fan, to boot!
Guillermo is directing the pilot and he's had a lot of free rein, so this ought to be plenty of fun, plus it's got DAVID BRADLEY in it, no less!!! How can we not watch this?!
Guillermo has been working the press like a Stradivarius lately, drumming up support for Pacific Rim 2, as well as projects that aren't even firmly financed yet, like Hellboy 3 and At the Mountains of Madness. His zeal has been so admirable that he's even developed a creative public strategy for surmounting studio reluctance to release an R-rated cut of Mountains (if it ever gets green lit) - release two versions, a PG-13 and an R-rated version! That, my friends, is working the system, and pure showmanship. I'm a huge admirer of anything Guillermo del Toro undertakes and can't wait to see what he serves up in the late night corners of cable. Here's hoping he goes for the jugular. Guillermo's a true visionary, and deserves our support!
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