Last Spring we learned that the SyFy channel was mounting an adaption of the James Corey Expanse series, said to be part of a larger shift in the channel's goal to try and reclaim their identity as a destination for actual science fiction (and maybe less wrestling). The Expanse (beginning with Leviathan Wakes) was said to be the most expensive undertaking in the channel's history.
Well they've definitely gone and done it, as the first trailer with some pretty solid footage has emerged. Thomas Jane and Steven Strait star, but I'm seeing Jonathan Banks in there, too, which is great news. We don't have an air date yet, but it's clearly emblazoned with 2015, so this baby will be coming our way before we know it. This looks pretty true to the book and they have a couple of terrific writers at the helm, so it's looking like they may just have pulled it off.
Have yourself a gander;
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