Yes, he's a gator-man-thing that wears pants and a labcoat. Plus, he can somehow enunciate enough to make with "Die, Warmblood!" or "Hey, I was waitin' for that cab!" Thanks, C. Thomas Howell, for spilling the beans that the new Spider-babies reboot (can you still call it a reboot when the cast isn't really old enough to be wearing adult shoes?) has decided to go with scientist turned suitcase Dr. Curt Connors, aka The Lizard, as the Big Bad in their new film.
I know, DC has its Killer Croc, but Croc (bless 'im) was more of a dermatologically challenged circus sideshow guy, so you kind of buy the whole talking and wearing pants thing. Plus, Croc is just a little too out there to transfer to the reality of film -- especially a Christopher Nolan-fueled reality. Croc has only ever appeared in animated episodes of Batman, never live action. It will be strange to have Spidey going all Jurassic Park punching it out with a velociraptor who wears purple pants. Here's hoping The Lizard has at least one other accomplice, maybe Rhino?
So this The Amazing Spider-man is definitely doing its own thing. I was not a big fan of Andrew Garfield in The Social Network, though his Confused and Angry thing could fit well with Peter Parker. I'm still reeling from Sally Field as Aunt May (HUH?!?) Yes, Sally Field as Aunt May ("Run, Forrest, run!). She should have never done those Boniva commercials.
Also, in a very bizarre move, apparently no J. Jonah Jameson at all. Way to miss the shameless and easy crossover product placement for Jameson's whiskey. Over in Smallville it's Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as Pa and Ma Kent. Wow, everyone is getting old!
Strange days await us, to be sure. Oh, one last bit: speaking of Christopher Nolan and Gotham City, Joseph Gordon-Levitt confirmed he will not be playing Dr. Hugo Strange or The Riddler, as previously rumored. He'll be Alberto Falcone, son of gangland boss Carmine Falcone, seen previously in Nolan's Batman Begins. Presumably Joseph will be taking an Omerta on everything else.
I think he's kind of cute.