Friday, April 26, 2019

Endgame’s Astonishing Swan Song!

Keep your shirt on, there's no spoilers here - this isn't even my review - but I just need to safely swoon a little about the massive Marvel milestone that is Avengers: Endgame. I'm not getting into any details, no in-depth analysis here. My only purpose is to urge you to race out the door and see this movie now. Get out there and enjoy this brief parenthesis before the entire universe starts spewing reactions, and every overheard conversation is fraught with peril.

I'll have a proper, full-length review in the days to come, after the opening weekend excitement dies down. But Endgame is a Sentinel Event - a colossus of storytelling eleven years in the making. MCU, stick the landing thou hast - and how.

At three+ hours, there's a lot to take in, and the movie is overflowing with surprises. It was such a treat to have virtually no idea where we were going or what might happen. Most of the trailer footage is from the first few minutes of the film, so they've really kept their cards close to the vest. Some characters I expected to play a larger part barely appeared. Some I never expected to see had significant roles. Some characters are markedly changed from when we saw them last. Half of life in the universe has been snapped out of existence. That's gonna leave a mark.

After 21 films, to pull this off is nothing sort of astonishing. The spectrum of emotions the audience goes through here is a little overwhelming. Your heart will be in your throat, and you'll be laughing maniacally. That's really all I'm comfortable saying for now, as we need to be cool and keep the lid on long enough for folks to get out and experience this for themselves.

If you've loved the Marvel Universe of films we've been treated to over the last few years, just know that disappointment is not on the table. The mother of all love-letter-feasts is out there waiting for you. So suit up, get your ass into a theater, and be a part of history. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw it this afternoon. I LOVED it. I laughed, whooped and hollered, and I cried.
