Wednesday, August 11, 2010


As one of the snooziest summer movie seasons of all time is about to wind down, glimmers of what lies around the corner are starting to emerge! Check out two of the coolest looking trailers to unspool, post Comic-Con...

WOW!!! The Tron design aesthetic is crazy cool. Looks like a true modernization of that old goofiness from the original. If they pull it off, it could be akin to the contrast between the old and new Battlestar Galactica. Positioned right at Christmastime, if the buzz keeps building this could turn out to be a massive IMAX-fuelled hit.

Loved what I saw in here. Zak Snyder is a visionary cat and I will happily go on record to say that I think he deserves a medal for what he pulled off with Watchmen. Sucker Punch evoked Terry Gilliam’s Brazil as well as Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and seems completely immersed in surreal retro comic book eyeball drip. Pretty wild!
What say ye?


  1. i was totally down with tron until i got completely freaked out by de-aged jeff bridges. fingers crossed that the spend the time between now and xmas fixin' that up.

    as for sucker punch... well, I have less regard for Snyder's Watchmen, but SP definitely LOOKS cool. will it have any sort of story at all, do you think? I saw that trailer and wondered if Snyder wouldn't be better off just designing video games. But then I remember how cool Dawn of the Dead was...

  2. I felt both of these delivered well. TRON was a great continuation! I had doubts about Sucker Punch but was blown away by the delivery.
