Sunday, August 11, 2013

Trek in the Park's Five Year Mission Warps Out!

With temperatures a little milder today, we decided to grab our tricorders and head out to the farewell season of Trek in the Park, the uniquely Portland pop-culture phenom - Portland's version of Shakespeare in the Park and the brainchild of Adam Rosko's Atomic Arts (Rosko also plays Kirk). Beginning with Amok Time in 2009, Atomic Arts has presented Space Seed, Mirror, Mirror, Journey to Babel and now they conclude their 5-year mission with crowd-pleaser The Trouble With Tribbles. 

Trek became so popular after its third year (and appearance on Portlandia) that they had to move to a larger park - which in many ways has lessened the fun factor a bit. Now enormous crowds fill the park and unless you're willing to get there hours early, you're going to be pretty far back and strain to hear most of the dialogue. People, can you please leave your pit bulls at home?!? 

Still, Trek in the Park is undeniable. The cast is a joy (though I think we had a new McCoy this year) and the fealty to old school Original Series Trek is a pleasure to behold. I'll miss Augusts with this crew, but they've earned a break and its exciting to consider what they'll undertake next - as they've made it clear that after five years, their mission is over. If you haven't seen Trek in the park, warp over to Cathedral Park weekends through August - as a wonderful slice of Portland history is about to beam out of here.


Saturdays and Sundays at 5:00pm

AUGUST 3-4, 10-11, 17-18, 24-25
Cathedral Park Amphitheater

Kirk under an avalanche of tribbles!

Take a bow, crew - you've been awesome!

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