Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Suicide Squad Review Wreckage

Well, I’m sure that the phones are ringing off the hook at Warner Bros. today – and pretty much not in a good way.
The reviews for Suicide Squad are about exactly the opposite from what everyone hoped. When a consistent theme of “Not as bad as last years’ Fantastic Four” begins to emerge, you know you’re in trouble.  They’re currently 33% Rotten over on Rotten Tomatoes, and it sounds like they continued the too-dark muddy nature that was a source of so many of the critiques of Batman v Superman. That the first part of the film rocks hard, but then quickly devolves into tame and muddlesome predictability. Everyone consistently praises the cast, especially Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, in what sounds like a completely star-making turn. But shockingly, Jared Leto’s highly anticipated Joker is evidently barely in the film. Sounding like a lot of bad decisions were made in terms of focus and editing, and that the vibe seems to be that director David Ayer took a good swing, but that studio meddling delivered a hamstrung product that pulls its punches. It will be interesting to see how all this translates into weekend box office. Can they even land first place, or will Jason Bourne continue to dominate? A huge factor is the Olympics, and if audiences decide to stay home and watch those this weekend and skip “Skwad,” it could be a killing blow for the picture. Man, DC just can’t seem to catch a break. Stay tuned.

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