Monday, January 23, 2017

We have a title: "The Last Jedi"

"Luke, when gone am I...the last of the Jedi will you be."
                                         -Yoda, The Return of the Jedi

We have a title, and it's awesome - Rian Johnson's Star Wars: Episode VIII will be titled The Last Jedi. That's a slightly ominous and attention-grabbing title, and I think it works wonderfully. It's got a definite Sergio Leone vibe to it - you can't help but picture hardened exile Luke Skywalker, his robot hand just itching to throw down some serious lightsaber smack on whoever disturbs his solitude.

It's also a title guaranteed to get us talking, because as we all know, "Jedi" is also plural, so The Last Jedi could easily refer to a small group of surviving Jedi Knights, or one lone Jedi who's determined to pass on what he knows to another, so no matter what, at least one Jedi will remain to be the keeper of the faith. None of this should come as any surprise, as the title phrase actually appeared quite prominently in the opening crawl of The Force Awakens

It's been a pretty downbeat, discouraging week over in our little corner of the galaxy, so today's news was frankly downright thrilling! It reminded me that yes, we do have more of these films to look forward to - to escape to - and sometime in the next month or so, odds are good we'll be getting our first look at a trailer. The first teaser for The Force Awakens dropped in November of the year prior to its release. So we're already past that timeline for The Last Jedi. We've got The Super Bowl coming up in a couple of weeks, so that just might be when we catch our very first glimpse.

I, for  one, can't wait!

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