Friday, September 16, 2011

Sure hope this deleted scene ain't on the Blu-rays...

"Judge me by my size, do you?" Is it me, or does this make you want to take a shower? It really looks like "Mac Daddy" Yoda is putting the moves on Luke here. You really have to watch those puppets. The Star Wars Blu-rays hit today!


  1. That's just wrong. Happy Star Wars Blu-ray day anyway! xo

  2. The force is strong in this padawan!!!! Homo erotic sta-was. The list is endless for this kind of thing. Jedi light sabers, The love that is shared with the monster in jaba's pit and his caretaker,furry sex with the ewoks, good god Paul. i Think you have stumbled upon another facet to the franchise.
    think of all the new figurines!
