Friday, February 5, 2010

Big Talent, Big Season, Big Love... (...the truth about Teenie)

If you haven’t checked in on HBO’s Big Love this season, rest assured the series continues to be spectacular. If you’re not an HBO subscriber, this is definitely a series worth finding on DVD as the characters are consistently fascinating.

The Prophet may be gone, but his influence continues to loom large from beyond the grave. This is a short season – just nine episodes – but they’re cramming a lot of emotional high stakes into the time they have. Bill’s actions and ambitions are sending him down a road where some kind of comeuppance or fall from grace seems inevitable. The climax of last week’s fourth episode left me stunned, gasping at what Bill was capable of justifying.

Nicki continues running wild, but she’s got nothing on Alby who is taking the character into the stratosphere this year.

Everyone is changing, their worlds spinning faster than ever before.
Speaking of change, one odd development is the inexplicably awkward recasting of daughter Teenie. “Welcome back from Camp, Teenie.” Yeah – plastic surgery camp…

The producers claim that Jolean Wejbe simply grew too tall – but new Teenie Bella Thorne is so contrastingly glamtacular one has to resist the urge to call her “fake Jan Brady,” as she’s nothing like the Teenie we knew…

Regardless, there is amazing television happening here. The storytelling is compelling and they sure understand the golden rule of episodic TV – end each week so that the audience can’t imagine not tuning in to see what happens next.


  1. Thanks for exposing the Teenie scandal. I'm outraged!

  2. "Plastic surgery camp" - now that's funny. Thanks for the laugh.

    Honestly, Bella Thorne is on her way to becoming one of the most beautiful females on God's green earth, and for the life of me I don't understand casting her and then nerding her down for this role. Very awkward indeed.
