Monday, March 16, 2015

Firefly & Serenity: Quantum vs. Dark Horse

If you're like me, you're pretty dang excited at the prospect of nabbing the new Firefly figures that Funko is releasing as part of their Legacy figure line.

My friend Jon Palmer asked, "Which Serenity should we display them with? The ornament?" Which one, indeed!

As luck would have it, the new Serenity maquette from Quantum Mechanix had just touched down here in my corner of the 'Verse, so a little comparative analysis seemed like a good idea. That's the Dark Horse ornament on the left (2006) at about 6 inches, with Quantum on the right, measuring at 8 inches. Insert inappropriate remark here. 

The Dark Horse model comes with its own display base and is a lovely ornament that I display on my Sci-Fi Christmas Tree every year. But these new figures seemed to cry out for something special, and as part of their Little Damn Heroes line, Quantum has delivered.

Serenity does not have a similar cartoonish iteration that the figures in the Little Damn line possess. It's accurate and has a nice heft. The details and individual parts are highly detailed. Inara's Shuttle is a separate tiny model and you get two of them - wings out and in - to display with the main ship, either resting next to the docking hatch or in flight thanks to a canny little wire display stand. It's an extremely nice addition.

Quantum's ship also comes with a very solid display stand. Mine came very well packed, but use caution when removing as those reflector panels are very delicate. 

Finally, here's a shot of Serenity on display with another Funko Legacy figure, to give you an idea of how they'll complement each other when Jayne and the others are released this spring.

Hey, I'm sold. Dark Horse and Funko are currently duking it out with their respective lines of Game of Thrones figures, and their ornaments are superb. They did a knockout version of Inara's Shuttle as well as a Reaver ship:
But Quantum had done a splendid job here and their Firefly has won me over. 
Now she just needs her crew to come stand beside her. 

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