Friday, February 11, 2011

"Carousel is a lie!!!"

Guess I'll have to add Bronson to my Netflix queue, as the director of this early Tom Hardy prison flick, Nicolas Winding Refn, has been signed by Joel Silver to direct the long-in-development reboot of Logan's Run. Logan has been lurching into being for ages, Bryan Singer having been attached the longest. Matt Damon flirted with it for a while, but a screenplay by 28 Days Later scribe Alex Garland evidently sealed the deal, luring Ryan Gosling (Half Nelson, The Notebook, Blue Valentine) to star -- his first real action opus. Gosling and Refn just finished Drive together, about a Hollywood stuntman who moonlights as a getaway driver who finds himself with a price on his head.
Michael York and Jenny Agutter starred in the wonderful (miniatures be damned!) 1976 original about an idyllic future society where the only crime is trying to live past 30. Those who do are hunted down by Sandmen like Logan -- until one day, Logan finds his own lifeclock has turned against him. In a hamfisted way, Michael Bay's The Island liberally borrowed from Logan. It's like a not-so-subtle remake.
The fact that Gosling has been so gun-shy about blockbusters in the past bodes well for this project. Smells like at long last the right script has found the right director. Wow, it has really been remake week here lately, what with The Stand, Dark Shadows and Fantastic Voyage all seeing a flurry of activity.
I actually just watched Logan not that long ago. It holds up really well and is well worth checking out if you've never seen it. If I ever needed a sign that it's time to check out Bronson, this is it!

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