Monday, February 10, 2014

UPDATED: Thrones figure bombshell: Funko is coming!!!

Okay, this is huge - it seems that Mezco isn't the only toy company getting a jump on Toy Fair this week. There's been a fair amount of buzz about Funko's expansion of their ReAction figure line - 3 & 3/4" figures with minimal articulation, following on the footsteps of their Alien Kenner prototype figures. The new expanded line looks to be massive, and includes everything from Escape from New York to Firefly to Pulp Fiction. Some of these are fairly stubby and have minimal articulation, but it's a figure line you can't help but take notice of.

Well, hold onto your dragon eggs - because Funko just upped their game. Now comes news they're effectively trumping Dark Horse with a bold, exciting new 6" range of Game of Thrones figures called "The Legacy Collection." These are realistic, fully articulated figures, which Funko states will be similar in style, accuracy and articulation to Hasbro's 6" Black Series of Star Wars figures. These look amazing! Check out The Hound - he even comes with his signature helmet!!! Not pictured is Tyrion Lannister, who will make the sixth figure of this initial wave. Hats off, Funko - these look absolutely splendid!

UPDATE: As if not to be outdone, Dark Horse has quickly slapped down a mailed gauntlet with a hearty, "Take that...!" - we now have a look at their third wave of 7.5" nonarticulated figures, including Jaime, Cersei, Arya, Robb and a White Walker. I have to say, these look really amazing, too! Interesting to have two different companies trying to outshine each other with the same figure license.

If this is what we're seeing before Toy Fair, I'm giddy at the thought of what will be unveiled next week! Great time to be a Game of Thrones fan!!!

1 comment:

  1. but is Ned's head detachable in those Funko figures is what I want to know!
